The overload capacity of electronic power amplifier circuits is a lot greater compared to the analog power amplifiers. After the energy amplifier tube operates in the terminal area during regular operation, once the energy amplifier tube operates in the projection area, harmonic distortion happens and the level of stimulation increases exponentially. The audio quality is quickly deteriorating. The electronic power is obviously in the saturation zone and also the cut-off zone once the energy is amplified. Provided that the power amplifier tube isn't damaged, the distortion won't grow quickly.
Considering that the electronic power amplifier utilizes a switching amplifier , the performance is very high, as much as 75~90 (the analog power amplifier efficiency is just 30~50), and essentially doesn't create heat during operation. Because of this, it doesn't mimic the static current consumption of this energy amplifier. Each of the energy is all but earmarked for the sound output. After incorporating the analog amplification without damaging feedback, it's better"energy" attributes, and the transient response is great. Feeling is very powerful.
Difference two, crossover distortion and mismatch distortion
Analog Class B power amplifiers are set in zero-crossing distortion because of the nonlinearity of the transistor in low currents. The electronic amplifier just works in the shifting state and doesn't create crossover distortion.
The analog power amplifier includes a mismatched stimulation of the output waveform as a result of inconsistent push-pull attributes. Thus, when designing the push-pull amplifier , the prerequisites for the power amplifier tube are extremely rigorous. The digital power amplifier does not have any particular prerequisites for its pairing of this change tube, and essentially doesn't have to be strictly chosen to be utilized.
Since the internal resistance of the power amplifier tube at the optical power amplifier is big, once the speakers using distinct resistance values are matched, the functioning condition of the analog power amplifier circuit is influenced by the magnitude of the load (speaker). The inner resistance of the electronic power amplifier doesn't exceed 0.2 Ω (the inner resistance of the change tubing and the inner resistance of this filter), along with the resistance value (4~8 Ω) relative to the load (speaker) is entirely negligible, so there's no fitting difficulty with the speaker system.
Analog power amplifiers use nearly all negative feedback loops to make sure that their electroacoustic parameters. The digital power amplifier doesn't utilize any analog amplification feedback circuit for electricity conversion, so preventing transient intermodulation distortion.
Difference 5, solid image localization
For analog power amplifiers, there's normally a phase difference between the output and the input signal, and also the stage distortion is different once the output is different. The digital power amplifier employs digital signal amplification to create the output and the input phase precisely the same, and the phase shift is zero, so the audio picture is positioned right.
Length 6, update
The electronic amplifier can attain high power simply by replacing the change amplification module. The high-power switch amplification module includes a minimal price and has wide prospects in the specialist area.
Analog power amplifiers have anti inflammatory problems at all levels of work, which isn't conducive to mass manufacturing. The electronic power amplification component is an electronic circuit, and normally functions normally with no debugging, and is very acceptable for mass production.
During the above mentioned introduction, I think that everybody has understood the gap between electronic power amplifier and analog power amplifier.
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